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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers Continues Its Fight Against KBR, Inc.

Continuing its fight against alleged wrongful conduct by military contractors, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against KBR, Inc., Kellogg Brown & Root Services, Inc., and KBR Technical Services, Inc. (together “KBR”) on behalf of 4 additional members of the United States military who were injured by burn pits operated by these companies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

KBR multi-billion dollar no bid contracts from the United States Government to provide support infrastructure to the armed forces in the warzone of 2000s Iraq, including the safe disposal of waste. Rather than ensure that the disposal was done up to industry standards, KBR chose to dispose of much of the waste through burn pits. The types of waste that was placed in the burn pits included:  medical waste, plastics, spent munitions, solvents, batteries, mattresses, an assortment of chemicals, polystyrene, rubber, vehicles, and more. The burning of these materials created a toxic cloud that military service-members were forced to breath.

The plaintiffs in this case include numerous members and former members of the Armed Forces of the United States. Many members of the military have developed numerous life threatening illnesses, tumors, respiratory issues, and rashes consistent with exposure to these burned materials.

These soldiers volunteered to serve their country in a foreign warzone, only to have their health ignored by a contractor focused on profit.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers is proud to represent members of the military in claims military contractors, like KBR. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury while serving in the military or working for a military contractor, please call us to discuss your potential legal rights.