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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers vs. Buffalo Marine Service Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers filed a Jones Act and general maritime lawsuit against Buffalo Marine Service Inc. on June 13, 2017 on behalf of an injured seaman. The suit, which was filed in Harris County District Court in Houston, Texas, arises from injuries that occurred in the Houston Ship Channel on April 27, 2016.

This case was brought under the Jones Act and the general maritime law of the United States of America to collect damages caused by the negligence of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client’s Jones Act employer, Buffalo Marine, and the negligence and unseaworthiness of Buffalo Marine’s vessels the M/V San Blas and barges Buffalo 901 and 902. The serious injuries at issue occurred on April 27, 2016, near the Valero Oil Refinery in the Houston Ship Channel. On the date of the incident in question, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client was working in the Gulf of Mexico below the vessel. As he was completing his job as a steersman/tankerman, the vessel was severely undermanned, and due to the negligent acts of the prior tankerman, a wench struck Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client in the causing him to suffer severe pain. Because the vessels were undermanned, the crewmember was forced to complete his shift, working in the vessel for hours while severely injured. Buffalo Marine did not properly supervise or train the crew, failed to properly man the vessel, and/or failed to provide adequate equipment, as well generally negligently operating the vessel causing Mr. Rowe to injure his neck, back, arms, elbow, and body generally.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client was employed by Buffalo Marine as a steersman/tankerman and regularly assigned to work in its fleet of vessels of owned and chartered vessels engaged in vessel operations. Buffalo Marine was the owner and operator of the M/V San Blas and the Buffalo 901 and 902. Buffalo Marine. The suit includes causes of action for negligence and unseaworthiness under the Jones Act and general maritime law.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has a team of lawyers that have spent years representing Jones Act seamen and maritime workers in Jones Act and admiralty cases. If you or someone close to you suffered an injury while working offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, Houston Ship Channel, or another navigable body of water, our team can analyze your potential Jones Act or admiralty law claim.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Pilot involved in Lake Accident

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has filed suit on behalf of a pilot who suffered a broken neck in a severe boating accident on Lake Travis. While the negligent boat driver was insured, the insurance company refused to provide full value for our client’s severe injuries. Instead, International Marine Underwriters attempted to minimize the accident and underpay the injured pilot stating that it was only a “minor broken neck.” On March 22, 2010, the case was assigned to a Harris County District Court and Doyle Dennis Avery LLP looks forward to telling the injured pilot’s story to a jury of her peers

Transocean Offshore Oil Rig, Deepwater Horizon, Explodes in the Gulf of Mexico

Over a hundred offshore oil rig workers are suffering from an enormous shock and tragedy today after an explosion at approximately 10:00 p.m. yesterday evening on the Deepwater Horizon, a deepwater offshore drilling platform about 50 miles off the coast of Louisiana in the Mississippi Canyon area of the Gulf of Mexico.

The Deepwater Horizon is owned by Transocean but was under contract to British oil major BP PLC. It had been in the Macondo prospect since January, though on April 16 BP had applied for a permit to temporarily abandon the well at the explosion site.

At present, it appears that several people have been critically injured from the blast and several more crew members are missing after having escaped the rig on a workboat. The rig continued to burn for several hours.

The Deepwater Horizon was is a semisubmersible floating drilling unit, which was made famous when it drilled down just over 35,000 feet at another BP site, setting a world deepwater record.

Doyle Files Lawsuit On Behalf of Jones Act Seaman

On April 22, 2010, Doyle filed a lawsuit in Harris County district court against Kirby Inland Marine, LP on behalf of a tankerman injured in the Gulf of Mexico. Doyle’s client is a Jones Act seaman and the lawsuit is based on the well-settled law that Kirby Marine owed the seaman several duties which they failed to comply with. Notably, the injured Jones Act tankerman suffered a stroke but was denied appropriate medical care for many hours, in reckless disregard of the emergency situation of the offshore worker. The Defendant has compounded its decision to refuse to provide emergency medical care by also failing to meet the Jones Act requirement that the injured seaman be provided “maintenance and cure.” Doyle specializes in Jones Act and other Maritime cases and is proud to enforce this injured worker’s rights.

Doyle featured in Today’s Houston Chronicle on the Transocean Deepwater Horizon Rig Explosion

Mike Doyle of Doyle was quoted in today’s Houston Chronicle article by Lise Olsen and Terri Langford on Gulf Accidents. The article addresses the long history of oil rig explosions in the Gulf of Mexico over the past several years. Often the maritime industry touts its safety record based on reported incidents, but many if not most incidents are unreported, and there is essentially no hands-on oversight of rig safety. These safety shortcomings can result in tragedy, as evidenced by the recent tragedy on the Deepwater Horizon, a Transocean and BP operation. As Mike Doyle was quoted, “There is a big difference between their actual incident/injury rate and their self-reported (rate).”The full text of the Chronicle article can be found at this link.

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