At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers, our recent work pursuing claims against military contractors has focused on continuing litigation over our soldiers’ exposure to the known cancer-causing chemical hexavalent chromium — also known as sodium dichromate — at facilities and sites operated by the Houston-based engineering and construction company KBR, Inc.  A Military Contractor claim againt KBR, Dyncorp, Fluor, Aecom, and other military contractors may involve international law and complicated legal defenses.

This major, determined effort has further prepared our attorneys to handle other potential negligence and damage claims on behalf of U.S. and U.K. military personnel. We encourage you to contact us if you are:

  • Experiencing respiratory problems or symptoms of toxic exposure you believe are due to your service at the Qarmat Ali water treatment plant in Iraq in 2003, where exposure to the potentially deadly carcinogen sodium dichromate occurred and has come to light
  • A family grieving a soldier tragically lost in an electrocution on a military base or deployment location
  • Among many thousands of former and current military personnel suffering the harmful effects of exposure to fumes emitted from contractors’ toxic burn pits in Iraq or Afghanistan
  • A victim of some other form of toxic chemical exposure you believe occurred while you were serving in the U.S. or U.K. armed forces
  • Persons, usually employees or former employees of a company, who have insider information about fraud against the government are able to assert “Qui Tam” claims against the company.

A Bold, Tenacious Approach to Valid Injury Claims Against Military Contractors

We believe that compelling evidence and soldier testimony continuing to surface clearly shows extreme negligence on the part of KBR, a company with over 50,000 employees that proudly advertises its status as “the largest contractor for the United States Army and a top-ten contractor for the U.S. Department of Defense.” When this and potentially other forms of serious contractor negligence occurred, KBR was a subsidiary of the more widely known Halliburton, also headquartered in Houston, Texas.

At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers, our lawyers have a proud history of success in litigation against powerful corporate entities, and we cannot be intimidated by wealth or deterred by questionable claims of immunity from liability by military contractors or others.

To discuss your potential military contractor claim with an attorney who will take you seriously and treat you with care and respect, call or e-mail us anytime.