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Doyle Files Suit Against Tundra Strategies for Role in Death of US Servicemen

Doyle has filed suit against Tundra Strategies on behalf of several United States servicemen, including the family members of a servicemen who was killed, while serving in Afghanistan.  The servicemen were shot by an Afghan national, Shir Ahmed, who was not properly screened by Tundra, which was hired by the U.S. government in November 2009 to screen and monitor military security.

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Doyle Files Bad Faith Insurance Suit Against Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas

On August 7, 2012, Doyle filed a bad faith insurance claim against Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas, on behalf of a mother who was denied payment for emergency medical care owed to her under her insurance policy.  Despite the plain language of the insurance policy issued by Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas, as well as the opinion of the Texas Department of Insurance, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Texas has refused to pay or reimburse doctors for necessary, emergency medical treatment provided during the delivery of her child.

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