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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers vs. Buffalo Marine Service Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers filed a Jones Act and general maritime lawsuit against Buffalo Marine Service Inc. on June 13, 2017 on behalf of an injured seaman. The suit, which was filed in Harris County District Court in Houston, Texas, arises from injuries that occurred in the Houston Ship Channel on April 27, 2016.

This case was brought under the Jones Act and the general maritime law of the United States of America to collect damages caused by the negligence of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client’s Jones Act employer, Buffalo Marine, and the negligence and unseaworthiness of Buffalo Marine’s vessels the M/V San Blas and barges Buffalo 901 and 902. The serious injuries at issue occurred on April 27, 2016, near the Valero Oil Refinery in the Houston Ship Channel. On the date of the incident in question, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client was working in the Gulf of Mexico below the vessel. As he was completing his job as a steersman/tankerman, the vessel was severely undermanned, and due to the negligent acts of the prior tankerman, a wench struck Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client in the causing him to suffer severe pain. Because the vessels were undermanned, the crewmember was forced to complete his shift, working in the vessel for hours while severely injured. Buffalo Marine did not properly supervise or train the crew, failed to properly man the vessel, and/or failed to provide adequate equipment, as well generally negligently operating the vessel causing Mr. Rowe to injure his neck, back, arms, elbow, and body generally.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client was employed by Buffalo Marine as a steersman/tankerman and regularly assigned to work in its fleet of vessels of owned and chartered vessels engaged in vessel operations. Buffalo Marine was the owner and operator of the M/V San Blas and the Buffalo 901 and 902. Buffalo Marine. The suit includes causes of action for negligence and unseaworthiness under the Jones Act and general maritime law.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has a team of lawyers that have spent years representing Jones Act seamen and maritime workers in Jones Act and admiralty cases. If you or someone close to you suffered an injury while working offshore in the Gulf of Mexico, Houston Ship Channel, or another navigable body of water, our team can analyze your potential Jones Act or admiralty law claim.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers vs. Blessey Marine Services Inc.

Jones Act Case

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed a Jones Act case against Blessey Marine Services Inc. on behalf of a crew member who suffered a serious breathing injury after working on a benzene barge. The suit was filed in District Court in Houston, Texas and will be decided by a jury of Harris County citizens.

The suit alleges violations of the Jones Act through the negligence of Blessey Marine Services Inc. and its vessel, the M/V Neal J. Due to Blessey Marine Service Inc.’s failure to provide training and equipment to prevent inhalation injuries, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client alleges that he suffered a serious lung injury from the inhalation of benzene. The unprotected exposure to benzene without respirators or breathing protection resulted in a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on or about April 13, 2017. Throughout Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client’s employment with Blessey Marine Services Inc. he was assigned to work in conditions in which he inhaled harmful fumes, including but not limited to benzene. Due to the negligent acts of the Blessey Marine, he has suffered loss of lung capacity and breathing/lung problems. The suit alleges that Blessey Marine did not properly supervise or train the crew and/or failed to provide adequate equipment, including with respiratory protection, and was generally negligently operating the vessel causing Mr. Roberson to injure his lungs.

The suit alleges was brought under the Jones Act, which is a statute that protects vessel crewmembers who are more or less permanently assigned to the vessels and/or fleet of vessels of their employer. In the suit, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP will seek medical treatment and lost wages caused to its client by the serious lung injury.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has a group of attorneys who have spent years representing crewmembers, seamen, and maritime workers in offshore injury cases. If you suffered an injury while working on a vessel in a ship channel, river, or other body of water, our team can determine whether you are entitled to compensation for your injuries.