Please note that Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is able to help plaintiffs with workers’ compensation claims only in the state of Arizona. Please call (888) 571-1001 for a free consultation with a workers compensation lawyer about legal options related to work accidents or work-related repetitive strain injuries in Arizona.


Delayed or denied workers’ compensation claims can be devastating to injured workers—those who cannot return to work unfortunately end up falling behind on medical, car, home, and other payments.  Insurers may force claims to go through the entire workers’ compensation system before they are ordered to pay the benefits an injured worker deserved all along.

Insurers frequently jam claims through the state workers’ compensation process instead of treating them fairly.  If your valid workers’ compensation claim was delayed or denied, if your payments were cancelled without a valid reason, or if payments you are entitled to have been unfairly stalled, you may be the victim of workers’ compensation insurance bad faith.

Fight Against Insurance Bad Faith

Insurance law is clear that a workers’ compensation insurer cannot wrongfully deny or delay the payment of workers’ compensation benefits.  Despite this, many insurers engage in bad faith actions such as:

  • Disputing or delaying benefits without providing the injured worker a valid reason
  • Forcing an injured worker to compromise and accept a low-ball offer
  • Refusing to pay benefits or stopping paying for necessary medical care.
  • Holding back benefits even as you go through the appeals process and ultimately win your claim

If your claim has been determined valid by the state workers’ compensation process and the insurance company has refused or failed to pay, or if the delay in payment has caused additional harm, our workers compensation lawyer can help you file an insurance bad faith lawsuit.  In a suit, we do not simply ask for benefits that the insurance company was responsible for paying all along—we seek to recover financial compensation for any damages caused to you by the delay.

Contact an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Bad Faith Attorney

At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers, our attorneys have achieved impressive results for clients who were injured in the workplace and suffered damages because their workers’ compensation benefits were wrongfully withheld.  To discuss your workers’ compensation bad faith case with an experienced attorney, please contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers today.

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