A house fire is clearly among the most devastating events that can strike an individual or family. A business destroyed by fire is also a personal and economic setback of great magnitude. In the immediate aftermath, one of few comforts may have been the confidence that your homeowners or other property insurance should cover the damage.  If a property insurer refuses to pay, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s team includes fire damage lawyer.

Unfortunately, fires can lead to intense, stressful disputes about the validity and value of the insurance claim — even though almost all homeowners policies provide fire coverage. If you are trying to overcome a denial, significant delay, undervaluation or other problem with your fire claim, please contact us now at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers in Houston, Texas.

Focused on Fair, Full Settlements to Help You Recover and Rebuild

Holding insurance companies fully accountable to their obligations is a key mission for our accomplished team of trial attorneys. Our experience and capabilities extend to:

  • Total loss claims resulting from the destruction of homes by fire
  • Cases involving the insured person’s death in a house fire, requiring legal representation on behalf of the estate to recover compensation for the extensive property damage
  • Disputes involving the insurer’s failure to investigate the fire loss promptly and thoroughly
  • Cases requiring extensive involvement of independent engineers, contractors, adjusters and property valuation experts to counter biased, invalid estimates and excuses presented by the insurance company

Fighting Against Unfair Treatment and Insurance Bad Faith

Under Texas law, there are a number of specific types of illegal insurance conduct. Nonetheless, insurers attempt to use prohibited strategies and tactics such as:

  • Hiring biased reviewers and investigators motivated by their own financial gain to file reports that protect insurers from paying what they owe
  • Denying claims and coverage without a reasonable investigation and basis, or withholding or unreasonably delaying payments to the insured
  • Throwing unreasonable obstacles in the way of the insured’s attempt to recover and protect the value of the home or businesses

Problem With Your Insurer After a Home or Business Fire? Call 888-571-1001

As we have proven in the past, a knowledgeable Texas fire damage claim dispute attorney can make a real difference in your ability to rebuild your property and your life after a catastrophic event. We will welcome your call or e-mail to talk through what you are experiencing and the legal options you may have for recovering just, fair compensation.