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Houston Press Details KBR Qarmat Ali Litigation

On February 15, 2012, the Houston Press published an extended article about the ongoing litigation by U.S. and British servicemen against KBR for exposure to sodium dichromate (hexavalent chromium) during the Iraq War.  

Sodium dichromate, a known toxic and carcinogenic chemical, was spread throughout the Qarmat Ali water treatment plant worksite in Iraq.  KBR hired the U.S. and British defense forces to provide security to the plant.  At the time, KBR was aware of the dangers posed to the servicemen, but did not inform the military or the soldiers, or take precautions to protect them from exposure.  As a result, many of the soldiers are now suffering the health consequences of KBR’s actions.

Litigation in the matter is currently ongoing in the United States District Courts for the Southern District of Texas and the District of Oregon.

The full Houston Press article, authored by Craig Malisow, is available here.