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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has initiated a suit against Spectre Services, L.P. (“Spectre”)

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has initiated a suit against Spectre Services, L.P. (“Spectre”) to collect a legal debt and damages due to breach of contract, fraud, and misrepresentations committed by Spectre associated with an on the job injury.

Spectre recruited our client to work as an oil refinery quality assurance and inspector. The company sent Plaintiff overseas to work at a refinery in Qatar. On February 28th, 2015, while Plaintiff was working abroad, he experienced a knee injury on the job, climbing a ladder. The doctor treating Plaintiff confirmed the injury was work related and further recommended that our client receive ACL reconstruction surgery to repair damage to the knee.

Within Plaintiff’s contract were specifications that stated workers’ compensation would be covered for all Spectre employees through the Texas Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund. Plaintiff was also assured that work related injuries are also covered under the workers’ compensation policy. This mutually agreed upon contract ensuring support in the case of an injury was one of the key factors inducing our client to accept the position overseas.

Upon filing an insurance claim, our client was informed that Hartford Insurance Company, the only insurance provider for Spectre, does not provide coverage for Spectre employees working abroad. Spectre confirmed that employees abroad were not covered, despite the original contract.  Spectre’s failure to provide support for our injured client has resulted in the required surgery (ACL repair) to be continually delayed. Our client is faced with continued pain, financial burdens, and mental anguish as he awaits his much needed surgery.

At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers we work to help you achieve justice for grievances against employers in cases of breach of contract, fraud, and misrepresentation. Contact us today if you or someone you know has been injured on the job, and is struggling to receive promised support from the employer.