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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Files Suit Against Spheric Assurance Company, Ltd., and Global Insurance Group Holding Company Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP recently filed suit against two defendants, Spheric Assurance Company, Ltd., and Global Insurance Group Holding Company, Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was insured by the insurance company’s policy. The client purchased a policy to insure and protect his boat in the event the boat suffered damage. Unfortunately, on or about August 20, 2022, a fire started in the engine room. The vessel was not in navigation but was anchored. As a result of the fire, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client vessel sank. The client filed a claim with Spheric in San Antonio, Texas, for coverage. Without conducting a proper investigation, the defendants improperly denied coverage of the client’s claim. This was in direct violation of the Texas Insurance Code section 541.060 (a)(2)(A) (formerly Art. 21.21 §4(10)(ii)).   In addition, the defendants failed to timely request from the client any additional items, statements, or forms that the defendants reasonably believed to be required from our client, which is in direct violation of Texas Insurance Code section 542.055 (a)(2)-(3).

The attorneys at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP have dealt with countless insurance companies committing bad faith, failing to pay out claims, and letting claimants suffer. For example, in Stinson v. AIG, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client received a $1.7 million judgment in a similar lawsuit. If you or a loved one has reason to believe they have suffered from an injury or dealt with insurance companies acting in bad faith, please call our office for a FREE CONSULTATION TODAY.