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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Files Suit After Client Killed At Burdogz Bar and Grill

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP recently filed a lawsuit in Victoria County, Texas against Burdogz LLC, D/B/A Burdogz Bar and Grill (“Burdogz Bar and Grill”) following the death of AquCraigis Watson at Burdogz Bar and Grill for negligent security.

AquCraigis Watson worked as a bartender at Burdogz Bar and Grill. Prior to his death, Mr. Watson had completed a work shift. Before Mr. Watson left, Burdogz Bar and Grill requested that he remain at the restaurant because there was not enough security. Mr. Watson agreed to help. On or about that time, an altercation between restaurant patrons ensued. During the altercation, Mr. Watson was shot and killed. The shooter has since been charged by the Victoria County District Attorney in Mr. Watson’s death.
After Mr. Watson was killed, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP filed a wrongful death lawsuit. Specifically, Burdogz Bar and Grill knew or should have known that the premises required security measures. Burdogz Bar and Grill also knew or should have known of numerous similar violent incidents before the incident forming the basis of the lawsuit, but refused to take reasonable steps provide for the safety and security at Burdogz Bar and Grill. Burdogz Bar and Grill failed to provide adequate security and safety measures to the individuals at Burdogz Bar and Grill.

The condition at Burdogz Bar and Grill was such that it created an unreasonably dangerous condition which Burdogz Bar and Grill knew, or should have known, was unreasonably dangerous. Further, Burdogz Bar and Grill failed to exercise ordinary care to provide reasonable safety and/or to adequately warn Mr. Watson of the dangerous condition. Burdogz Bar and Grill’s failure to correct the condition and/or to adequately warn Mr. Watson constituted negligence. Burdogz Bar and Grill’s negligence was the proximate cause of the incident in question and Mr. Watson’s resulting injuries and death.
Because of Burdogz Bar and Grill’s negligence, Mr. Watson’s mother, wife, and three children have suffered significant harm. In addition, Mr. Watson’s estate is a separate plaintiff in the lawsuit, and the Representative of Mr. Watson’s Estate has sued for recovery for the physical pain, mental anguish, disfigurement, and physical impairment suffered by Mr. Watson prior to his death, and for any medical expenses and funeral expenses of last interment.

Under Texas law, the surviving spouse, children, and parents of the deceased individual may have survival claims. If you lost a loved one because of the negligence of a company, contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP for a free evaluation of your potential legal claims.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP vs. Sakom Services WI, LLC and ABC Insurance Company

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP, with local counsel Urban & Taylor S.C., recently filed suit on behalf of their client against defendants Sakom Services WI, LLC and ABC Insurance Company. The lawsuit was filed in the State of Wisconsin, Circuit Court of Outagamie County. The filing stems from our client suffering injuries in December 2020 in Niger, Africa as a direct and proximate result of Sakom’s employee crashing a vehicle into the back of the stationary vehicle of our client. ABC Insurance Company provided, executed, delivered, and had in full force and effect a policy or policies of liability insurance for Sakom Services WI, LLC, and therefore is a proper party defendant.

          On or about December 30, 2020, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was employed by DynCorp as a Wire Production Technician in Niger, Africa. As part of his employment with DynCorp, our client was driving a vehicle to escort a water truck. Both the water truck and our client’s vehicle came to a stop at about the same date and time. Another vehicle driven by a Sakom Services employee proceeded to crash into the rear end of our client’s stopped vehicle. As a result of the impact and negligence shown by Sakom, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client suffered various injuries to the neck, shoulder, head, and body generally. Since the time of the incident, our client’s symptoms have continued resulting in permanent and ongoing injuries.

Sakom Services WI, LLC including its employees and agents, at the time owed a duty of reasonable care to our client operating for DynCorp. Sakom breached that duty with respect to this incident in at least the following respects: failure to stop, failure to yield, failure to yield the right of way, failure to maintain a proper lookout, failure to properly manage and control the vehicle, and inattentive driving. These numerous failures and other aspects of Sakom’s negligence will be demonstrated at the time of trial. This negligence is the proximate and direct cause of the severe and long-lasting damage suffered by our client from the collision. Our client will pursue what is legally owed to them including but not limited to: past and future health care provider and medication expenses; past and future pain, suffering and disability/disfigurement; past and future loss of wages and loss of earning capacity and household service capacity.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is a team of trial attorneys with vast experience in courtrooms across the country. We take pride in our ability to present complex cases on behalf of our clients to juries and judges of different jurisdictions. We also aim to provide our clients with the legal team they need to pursue justice. The complexities of the legal system and the various intricacies of a lawsuit can often be overwhelming for plaintiffs. Our firm takes pride in the ability to guide our clients through these difficult and confusing times. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s decades of experience in courtrooms offer insight and guidance for our clients when they are often left in the dark. Our clients can trust Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has the experience and knowledge to fight on their behalf in pursuing what they deserve legally.

Worker Denied Insurance Benefits After Sustaining Traumatic Brain Injury

While working as a Residential Carpenter for TK Brooks Contracting, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client fell approximately fourteen feet from a ladder and sustained a traumatic brain injury. He was then placed in an induced coma and spent four months in the hospital. Due to the severity of his traumatic brain injury, he permanently requires care 24-hours per day.

Arizona law provides that an industrially-injured claimant is entitled to receive compensation for all “medical, surgical[,] and hospital benefits or other treatment, nursing, [etc.] reasonably required at the time of the injury, and during the period of disability.” Sometimes, an injured worker’s family member may be the one providing the home health aide services, including bathing, dressing, performing home exercises, and monitoring the worker’s activities. In those situations, the family member is entitled to compensation for rendering the services in lieu of a third-party caregiver.

After Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was injured, his family was informed that he would need help walking around, getting dressed, and with other daily life activities. Because of the severity of his traumatic brain injury, his Board-certified neurologist determined he cannot be left alone, needs a caregiver to supervise and monitor his activities, and needs a caregiver to be with him to make sure he does not wander away or cause harm to himself.

The Residential Carpenter sought workers’ compensation benefits, including compensation for his wife for the home health and supportive services she provided him. In February 2021, the Industrial Commission of Arizona ordered the workers’ compensation insurance carrier (Carolina Casualty Insurance Company) to pay the long overdue benefits. But still, Carolina Casualty Insurance Company and its third-party administrator, Berkley Net Underwriters, LLC, disputed the amount the Residential Carpenter and his wife were entitled to. Thirteen months later, the Industrial Commission of Arizona correctly determined that Doyle Dennis Avery clients should be compensated at $12.50 per hour for 7 days per week because the Residential Carpenter’s wife assists her husband 49 hours per week. However, the wrongful conduct did not stop there. Even though the insurance carrier and third-party administrator were ordered to pay, they continued disputing the benefits owed.

On March 10, 2022, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP filed suit in Arizona federal court against Carolina Casualty Insurance Company, Berkley Net Underwriters, LLC, and the insurance adjuster. The bad faith insurance lawsuit alleges that the defendants breached the duty of good faith and fair dealing and aided and abetted the breach. Arizona law prohibits insurance carriers and third-party administrators from denying workers’ compensation insurance benefits without conducting an adequate investigation. If your workers’ compensation benefits were unjustifiably denied, call us for a free evaluation of your case.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Sues Greyhound After Greyhound Bus Accident

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was recently injured while traveling on a Greyhound bus through Albuquerque, New Mexico. Due to the negligence of Greyhound, the bus on which the client was traveling crashed into a cement barrier and flipped.  

While the bus was traveling approximately 60 mph, an altercation between two passengers ensued. Rather than slowing the bus, pulling to the shoulder, or attempting to stop the altercation, Greyhound’s driver failed to take any reasonable action. During the altercation, one of the passengers came into the driver’s space because Greyhound’s plexiglass barrier was insufficient to securely separate the driver from the passengers. Once the passenger was behind the plexiglass barrier, the driver lost control of the bus. As a result of Greyhound’s driver’s failure to adequately respond to the altercation or maintain eye contact on the road and to his surroundings, the bus crashed. Following the crash, the client required assistance to be physically removed from the bus. She was subsequently transported to a hospital.

Greyhound is a common carrier. As a common carrier, Greyhound owed a duty of the utmost care to its passengers, including Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client. Further, under the doctrine “respondeat superior,” employers like Greyhound may be liable when their employees, including their drivers, are negligent. After the incident, the client retained Doyle Dennis Avery LLP to file a lawsuit against Greyhound Lines, Inc., for its negligence, which caused the client to sustain serious injuries.   

If you were in a car or bus accident, call Doyle Dennis Avery LLP today for a free evaluation of your claim.  

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