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Worker’s Compensation Bad Faith Case Filed Against AIG Claims, Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, and Separate Claim Against Hitech for Wrongful Retaliation

On June 29, 2010, Doyle filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dennis Long against the worker’s compensation carrier, State Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, and the thirty party administrator, AIG Claims, for their wrongful denial of his medical and income benefits after a clear on-the-job injury.

With no legitimate basis, these insurance companies took the position that Mr. Long’s injuries were not caused by falling off a ladder, even though an eyewitness issued a written statement confirming the incident. State Insurance Company of Pennsylvania and AIG Claims admitted they were absolutely wrong for their denials many months after the wrongful conduct and only after Mr. Long hired an attorney. Unfortunately this delay period caused significant harm to Mr. Long for which he is still fighting to recover.

To add real further insult and independent damages to this injury, Mr. Long’s employer, Hitech Fire Detection, retaliated against him for filing his worker’s compensation claim and terminated him and his benefits. This wrongful termination is direct violation of Texas Law and Doyle represents Mr. Long against Hitech in pursuing this wrongful retaliation claim as well.

Doyle is proud to represent Dennis Long against these insurance companies and employer in pursuing justice for this violative conduct.