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Where to Begin with Your Maritime Ladder or Step Accident

Seafaring vessels of all types and sizes play important roles in the maritime industry. On these vessels, steps and ladders are needed to ensure the safe and easy travel for employees and guests from room to room. Occasionally, these essential structures fail or were built in an unsafe way. In the event that this results in an injury or death, maritime and offshore injury law may provide a route to compensation.

Understanding Maritime Rights

While there are some inherent risks that workers take on when working at sea, there are still basic regulations as determined by OSHA and the U.S. Coast Guard that employers must uphold. Steps must be constructed according to these safety standards. Likewise, ladders that are moveable and are stowed away must be done so with dependable latches and compartments. If you or someone you know has experienced an injury or death due to disregard for these regulations, you need help from an attorney who thoroughly understands maritime and offshore injury law.

Maritime Law State to State

Our firm has experience with cases in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, California, Alabama, Mississippi, Alaska, and New York. In each of these states, the exact regulations concerning safety standards may vary in ways that could affect a case. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that maritime and offshore injury law does have an overarching consistency. Do not abandon your case just because you think your state may have a different law concerning OSHA violations.

Understanding Your Case

An offshore injury is always worth investigating for legal recourse. If the injury or death occurring offshore involved a faulty ladder or step, a case is in order. The vessel itself does not matter—oil rig, tug boat, barge, or cruise ship—only that the business in question failed to uphold their standards while the victim was on the job at sea.