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KBR suit re-filed in Houston on behalf of Indiana Guardsmen and their families

On March 31, 2010, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP re-filed the legal claims of the Indiana Guardsmen exposed to the highly toxic chemical sodium dichromate at KBR’s Qarmat Ali project in southern Iraq (including the widow of Lt. Col. Jim Gentry, who died from his exposure in November 2009) .

The case was filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, where KBR maintains its corporate headquarters. The case was assigned to United States District Judge Vanessa Gilmore, and the judge ordered a Scheduling Conference on July 9, 2010, to select a trial date for the case. Judge Gilmore at the time of her appointment by President Bill Clinton was the youngest sitting federal judge, and she has presided over a number of important trials (including the Enron Broadband trial) during her tenure on the bench.