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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against KBR, Inc., Kellog Brown & Root Services, Inc., and KBR Technical Services, Inc.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against KBR, Inc., Kellog Brown & Root Services, Inc., and KBR Technical Services, Inc. (together “KBR”) to address injuries resulting from a burn pit operated by these companies in Iraq.

KBR received billions in no bid contracts from the United States Government to provide support infrastructure to the armed forces in the warzone of 2000s Iraq. In the course of this support KBR was tasked with safely disposing of waste. Rather than performing this duty with ordinary and safe precautions, KBR chose to dispose of much of the waste through burn pits. The government backed contractor chose to incinerate waste including, but not limited to: human corpses, medical waste, plastics, spent munitions, solvents, batteries, mattresses, an assortment of chemicals, polystyrene, rubber, vehicles, and more. The burning of these materials obviously created highly toxic smoke that freely ran off into the Iraqi air.

The plaintiffs in this case include numerous members and former members of the Armed Forces of the United States. The Plaintiffs are soldiers that were stationed too close to these burn pits. These individuals have developed numerous life threatening illnesses, tumors, respiratory issues, and rashes consistent with exposure to these burned materials. The alarmingly high concentration of illness among soldiers stationed near the pits would indicate their issues are the result of exposure to dangerous fumes emitted from the material incineration.

These soldiers bravely dedicated themselves to our freedom and safety in a foreign warzone, only to be harmed by a domestic company focused on profit. The toll of explicit costs from their medical issues as well as the mental anguish of issues unknown certainly warrants recompense for these veterans. Fighting a foreign enemy is difficult enough, now these soldiers face a legal battle at home to bring awareness to the deplorable actions of KBR.

At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers we are proud to assist these veterans in this difficult case against KBR. Facing off against a major government contractor is no easy task, but we are fully confident in the ability of our lawyers and staff.