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Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers files suit against Noble Drilling (US) LLC and Noble Offshore Corp. (“Noble”)

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against Noble Drilling (US) LLC and Noble Offshore Corp. (“Noble”) under the Jones Act and general maritime law alleging negligence on the part of Noble, unseaworthiness as to its vessel the M/V Tom Madden, wrongful termination, and wrongful denial of maintenance and cure

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client was employed as a Floorhand by Noble Drilling and Noble Offshore.  Due to under-manning (an insufficient number of crewmembers) and unsafe work practices, the client suffered a severe leg injury while ascending and descending multiple flights of stairs.  To add insult and further injury, Noble terminated Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client following his work injury and refused to pay maintenance and cure, as required by maritime law.

The Jones Act is a maritime law that provides protection to seamen who are injured while working on a vessel.  Seamen are entitled to a safe place to work, a properly manned vessel, and safe equipment.  When a Jones Act employer is negligent in providing for the safety of its crew or provides an unseaworthy vessel, it may be held liable for damages such as lost earnings, medical bills, physical impairment, pain, mental anguish, and other damages.

In addition, maritime law requires an employer, like Noble, to pay maintenance (costs of living) and cure (medical expenses) following a work injury, regardless of whether an employer is negligent or the vessel is unseaworthy.  The failure to provide maintenance and cure allows a Jones Act seaman to seek damages for the delay in payment of maintenance and cure, attorneys’ fees, and punitive damages.  Finally, a Jones Act employer is not allowed to terminate an employee in retaliation for reporting a work injury.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is proud to represent this Jones Act seaman in his fight against Noble and intends to take every step to seek full compensation for the injuries suffered.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you or someone you know has been injured by the negligence while working offshore, whether on a drilling rig, barge, tug, or other vessel.