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Doyle Files Worker’s Compensation Bad Faith Case Against Old Republic and Gallagher Bassett

In 2008 and 2009, Old Republic, Gallagher Bassett, and their adjusters improperly denied a legitimate claim asserted by an injured worker related to a knee injury requiring surgical intervention. 

Instead of properly investigating the claim or listening to the advice of the medical professionals, these three groups required the injured worker to hire an attorney and clear every possible hurdle before being ordered by the State of Texas- Division of Worker’s Compensation to take care of this man and pay the benefits that were so clearly owed. On June 7th, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP spoke up for this injured worker and filed a lawsuit in district court in Harris County on the injured worker’s behalf. The Original Petition highlights the very real damages caused by Old Republic and Gallagher Bassett’s wrongful delays and denials and requires these Defendants to answer for their conduct.