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Doyle files suit against Sedgwick and Brigestone on behalf of adjuster wrongfully terminated for refusal to commit illegal claims handling practices

Kimberley Soukup is a licensed workers’ compensation adjuster who takes her responsibilities to injured workers under Texas law seriously. Unfortunately, her determination to adhere to the laws intended to assure fair administration of workers’ compensation claims got her in hot water with her employer, third-party administrator Sedgwick Claims Management.

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Worker’s Compensation Bad Faith Case Filed Against AIG Claims, Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, and Separate Claim Against Hitech for Wrongful Retaliation

On June 29, 2010, Doyle filed a lawsuit on behalf of Dennis Long against the worker’s compensation carrier, State Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, and the thirty party administrator, AIG Claims, for their wrongful denial of his medical and income benefits after a clear on-the-job injury.

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Doyle Files Worker’s Compensation Bad Faith Suit Against Valley Forge Insurance Company (CNA)

On September 27, 2010, Doyle filed a lawsuit on behalf of a nurse who injured her shoulder while moving patients at a Houston-area hospital. The lawsuit was filed against the insurance carrier, Valley Forge Insurance Company, and its adjuster for their wrongful denial of her medical and income benefits after a clear on-the-job injury. With no legitimate basis, this insurance company and adjuster took the position that the nurse’s injuries did not happen on the job and were pre-existing even though the nurse had no history of shoulder problems.

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