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Arizona Workers Comp Bad Faith Lawsuit Filed Against The Hartford, Gallagher Bassett

Doyle has filed a workers comp bad faith lawsuit in Arizona against The Hartford, Gallagher Bassett and Twin City Fire Insurance Company on behalf of a worker whose claim was wrongfully denied.

The plaintiff was employed as a semi-truck driver who dealt with delivery and pickup of merchandise. While making a delivery of a large, heavy object, his employer informed him that even though there was not appropriate equipment onsite, he should proceed unloading. The driver unloaded the object and immediately felt pain. The pain continued so he sought treatment and was diagnosed with a hernia in addition to nerve entrapment. Having hernia surgery soon after did not lessen the pain the plaintiff experienced. Treating doctors determined he needed additional medical treatment, however, after submitting a claim to The Hartford and Twin City Fire Insurance Company; he was assigned an adjuster from Gallagher Bassett who denied the claim.

Without a reasonable basis or adequate investigation, The Hartford, Twin City Fire Insurance Company and Gallagher Bassett chose to continue to deny timely payment of the insurance benefits to which the plaintiff was entitled. The actions of the defendants forced the plaintiff to initiate proceedings before the Industrial Commission of Arizona where he secured a binding award in his favor.

The three companies imposed an unnecessary and unreasonable imposition of economic distress. They created pretextual reasons to deny and/or delay payment of the plaintiff’s claim and engagement in an “outcome-driven” approach to his claim. Further, they ignored and refused to consider information favorable to his claim for workers’ compensation benefits.

Doyle supports this client in his pursuit of justice against insurance companies and third party administrators who view a workers comp claim as a numbers game rather than an injured worker. If you or someone you love has been injured in the scope of employment duties, please contact the attorneys at Doyle.

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