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ABA Journal Takes on Texas Workers’ Comp. System, Ruttiger

The ABA Journal has released an article detailing the poor elements of the Texas workers’ compensation system–and its incentives for insurers to engage in bad faith behavior–denying and delaying the benefits owed to injured employees as often as possible. As detailed in the article, insurers take advantage of the workers’ compensation system to craft denials of financial and medical benefits to injured employees in manners that the system never could have anticipated. A symptom of this is the small number of workers’ compensation attorneys who continue to be able to afford fighting on behalf of injured employees.

Mike Doyle spoke with the ABA Journal for the article, and touched in particular on the disincentives for lawyers to help injured employees who need representation.

Doyle has represented workers’ compensation claimants in bad faith claims against their insurance carriers. Doyle also represented Ruttiger at trial and on appeal before the Texas Supreme Court.
The ABA’s article is available here.