Wrongful Termination As A Result Of Retaliatory Conduct
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against Anslow-Bryant Construction, Ltd. for wrongful termination following a work injury of its client.
The Texas Labor Code prohibits employers from discriminating against or terminating an employee in retaliation for making a workers’ compensation claim. Nonetheless, Anslow-Bryant terminated Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client, following his June 2015 work injury.
Among other misconduct, the suit alleges that Anslow-Bryant attempted to force Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client back to work while he was still under the restrictions of his treating doctor and then fired him when the claimant chose to continue following the light duty restrictions of his treating doctor upon his returned to work.
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s attorneys have represented many injured workers who have been mistreated or fired by employers after they have filed workers’ compensation claims. If you or someone you know suffered from retaliatory conduct or termination following a work injury, please contact us to discuss your legal rights.
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is experienced in handling wrongful termination cases under the Texas Labor Code. If you have been the victim of mistreating or firing after filing a workers’ compensation claim, please contact us to determine whether we can pursue a claim on your behalf.