Wrongful Termination As A Result Of Physical Work Restraints
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit in Harris County, Texas against Manheim Texas Hobby for wrongfully terminating its client following a work injury. The suit is based upon Texas Labor Code Section 451.001.
Texas law holds that an employer may not discriminate against or terminate an employee for making a workers’ compensation claim. The suit alleges that Manheim Texas Hobby began to discriminate against Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client for making a workers’ compensation claim then terminated him for following the advice of his doctor, that he should be restricted from work.
Under the Texas Labor Code, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is seeking lost wages, mental anguish, and other financial damages for its client.
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s attorneys have represented many injured workers who have been mistreated or fired by employers after they have filed workers’ compensation claims. If you or someone you know suffered from retaliatory conduct or termination following a work injury, please contact us to discuss your legal rights
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s attorneys focus a significant portion of their practice in assisting injured workers’ who have been wrongfully terminated. If you have been wrongfully terminated following a work injury, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Wrongful Termination Lawyers are happy to discuss your claim and potential legal rights with you.