Wrongful Termination As A Result Of Filing A Claim
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against Personnel Staffing, Inc. and Modern Ag Products, Ltd. in Jefferson County, Texas for wrongful termination and discrimination under the Texas Labor Code Section 451.001.
Texas law forbids discrimination against or termination of an employee for filing a workers’ compensation claim in good faith. Nonetheless, Personnel Staffing and Modern Ag began to discriminate against Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s client for making a workers’ compensation claim, and the suit alleges that they threatened his job if he reported the claim at all.
In the suit, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is seeking lost wages, mental anguish, and other financial damages caused by Personnel Staffing and Modern Ag’s conduct
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is experienced in handling wrongful termination cases under the Texas Labor Code. If you have been the victim of mistreating or firing after filing a workers’ compensation claim, please contact us to determine whether we can pursue a claim on your behalf.
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s attorneys have represented many injured workers who have been mistreated or fired by employers after they have filed workers’ compensation claims. If you or someone you know suffered from retaliatory conduct or termination following a work injury, please contact us to discuss your legal rights.