Important Facts about the Jones Act
The maritime industry encompasses any business involved with the design, operation, maintenance, or repair of sea vessels. Working in this industry can involve danger and risk, and employees who have experienced a work-related injury need to be aware of the Jones Act. This legislation protects the rights of maritime employees who have been injured due to work-related negligence.
Overview of the Process
The Jones Act is also called the Merchant Seaman Protection/Relief Act. Under this law, anyone working in the maritime industry can file to receive benefits, including lost wages and health care costs due to a work injury. This law also allows workers to file personal injury lawsuits to collect compensation for injuries.
Complexities of the Law
Confusion about the Jones Act Law is common after an injury. Experienced attorneys can provide guidance to help clients understand the law and the process of recovering damages. Contact our firm to receive information and assistance with a maritime injury. Receiving help with pretrial negotiation or courtroom litigation can be very advantageous for resolving an injury claim and receiving compensation. In the meantime, we offer the following advice to help you through the process.
Helpful Tips
The first step after an incident is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Patients must also document all diagnostics, test results, diagnoses, and treatment, including prescribed medicine and therapy. Take concise notes outlining all communication and instructions from physicians.
It is important that you timely report the accident. The Jones Act requires employees to report the injury to a supervisor as soon as reasonably possible.
Consult an attorney regarding claim requirements to ensure compliance. Requirements define the type of employee eligible for benefits and what specifics comprise negligence. Then, explore settlement and trial options with the attorney.
Anyone injured in a maritime accident while working has the right to receive adequate and fair compensation for damages. At Doyle Dennis Avery LLP , we have the expertise and knowledge to help clients explore their options for recovering damages.
Special thanks to NOAA Ocean Explorer for the image.