Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against KEPPEL AMFELS, L.L.C. (“KEPPEL AMFELS”) for negligence leading to a workplace accident.
Our client was dutifully employed as support personnel on an offshore rig operated by KEPPEL AMFELS. On or about August 9, 2013, our client was returning from a lunch break when Plaintiff’s hand was caught in a cable attached to a pulley that was not properly maintained and did not have adequate safety protections. Plaintiff immediately reported his injury, and was sent to the nearest hospital for immediate care for the issue.
These unsafe conditions led to an accident that resulted in the partial amputation of Plantiff’s left pinky finger and other damage to our client’s hand. Due to the accident, our client has suffered from more than physical and bodily injury. Plaintiff’s damages due to negligence have resulted in lasting physical and mental anguish, as well as continued difficulty in acquiring and performing work.
Previous to the incident, Plaintiff was an able bodied worker that is now forced to deal with severe limitations attributable to physical impairment. Plaintiff’s injury directly led to loss of earnings as the injury limited his capability to perform tasks at a pre-injury level. Due to reckless and dangerous behavior on the part of KEPPEL AMFELS and its representatives, our client seeks recompense for the numerous medical expenses and lasting effects associated with the injury. Through no fault of Plaintiff’s own, future prospects of financial self-support and life experience are now significantly diminished.
If you or someone you know believes they have experienced an injury attributable to negligence on the part of their employer, do not hesitate to contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers today for a consultation. Whether the effects of injury are immediate or long-term we may be able to help you.