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Doyle Files Negligence and Breach of Contract Lawsuit against Central United Life Insurance

Doyle has filed suit against Central United Life Insurance on behalf of a policyholder whose cancer treatment was denied. The policyholder had purchased a cancer insurance policy long before her diagnosis of breast cancer and continued to pay the premiums during her treatment and recovery.

Upon receiving the policyholder’s claim for benefits, Central United failed to assign her claim to an adjuster and failed to even research or request any information reasonably required to adequately investigate her claim further. The company did not conduct a reasonable and objective investigation of the facts of the claim. Further, Central United ignored medical evidence, including records from the treating doctors, and failed to collect or analyze other evidence related to the claim for insurance benefits.

In 2011, the company completely denied the claim for insurance benefits under a policy which expressly provided comprehensive coverage in the event of a cancer diagnosis. The plaintiff had maintained the policy in full force and effect by timely payment of insurance premiums for more than a decade.

Central United violated the Texas Insurance Code by refusing to pay the claim without conducting a reasonable investigation with respect to the claim. This conduct also breached the duty to deal fairly and in good faith with the policyholder. Central United acted fraudulently in denying the coverage benefits.

Doyle stands behind this policyholder in their fight against an insurance company’s bad behavior and failure to honor their financial obligation.

Bad Faith Health Insurance Suit against Pan American Life Insurance Remanded Back to Proper Jurisdiction, Harris County

On December 22, 2011, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP filed suit in the 151st District Court of Harris County, Texas, against Pan American Life Insurance Company (“Pan American”) and its third-party claims administrator for their bad faith denial of health insurance benefits.  Since the time of filing, litigation has endured numerous procedural delays due to defendants’ attempts to escape proper venue.

In the Summer of 2011, our client was diagnosed with cutaneous melanoma in her lower abdomen. Following this disheartening finding of cancer, she sought treatment with medical professionals in Houston, Texas, and made a claim for benefits with Pan American. The insurance company, assisted by a third party administrator, fraudulently delayed the claimant’s health insurance claim while rejecting the opinions of her doctors and the evidence that she presented to support her claim. Sadly, our client lost her battle with cancer in 2012. The wrongful denials and resulting lack of medical treatment ultimately led to this tragedy.

Pan American, along with the claims administrator, are from Louisiana, and sought to remove the case to Federal Court asserting that there was complete diversity. However, the insurance lawyers of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP also held Specialized Collection Systems, Inc., liable, as this Texas collections agency threatened and harassed our client for outstanding debts that Pan American is legally obligated to pay. The defendants’ responded with motions asserting Specialized Collection was improperly joined in this cause, but after a year’s time, the courts ruled otherwise .

A federal district court in Houston held that the defendants’ failed to demonstrate that joinder of Specialized Collection was improper and remanded the case back to the 151st District Court of Harris County, Texas.

The health insurance bad faith lawyers of Doyle Dennis Avery LLP will proudly continue fighting for this client and her family in seeking justice for the bad faith actions of Pan American and the various entities which assisted their improper actions.

Doyle Introduces New Burn Pit Resources

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is pleased to announce new resources for military members and their families to provide information about burn pit exposure. From 2003 to 2013, thousands of military members were exposed to toxic materials burned on military bases with serious health consequences.

What’s the Background on Burn Pit Litigation?

Government contractors including Halliburton and KBR were given government contracts to dispose of waste on military bases in both Iraq and Afghanistan. The contractors improperly burned material in large open-air burn pits operated close to living and working areas. The result: Soldiers and deployed military members were exposed to harmful fumes and carcinogenic particles.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is a leading burn pit law firm, representing military personnel who were negligently exposed to toxic substances. More than 100 cases have been filed throughout the United States against military contractors. In one case, a jury ruled in favor of 12 soldiers (represented by Doyle) against military contractor KBR in an $81 million judgment.

Every case is different and those who may have been exposed need to understand the risks; the signs and symptoms of illnesses; and their options if they fall ill. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has prepared interactive resources for military members and their families. The interactive information at Burn Pit Facts explains:

  • Where burn pits were located: There were 251 burn pits in Iraq and 22 in Afghanistan as of 2010. The largest was at Joint Base Balad.
  • Who was exposed: There were 25,000 personnel on some of the bases where burn pits were located.
  • What was burned: More than 100 tons of potentially hazardous materials were burned daily at some of the bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. The materials being burned included heavy metals, medical waste, biohazard materials, banned chemicals, plastic water bottles, asbestos, tires, PVC pipes, pesticides and batteries.
  • The health consequences of burn pits: Health effects include respiratory disorders, neurological disorders, cardiopulmonary disorders, skin problems, autoimmune conditions, and cancers. The fallout has been compared with Agent Orange.
  • What your options are: Burn pit lawsuits were first filed in 2007. Today, there are a number of cases on file and a multi-district litigation established to manage the litigation.

Doyle is here to help victims who may have been exposed and family members of those affected. In addition to the facts page, you can also find more information, resources, and assistance by visiting our pages on:

  • Burn Pit FAQ
  • Burn Pit Resources
  • Legal Help for Burn Pit Victims

Our attorneys offer free consultations on burn pit claims. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Doyle Files Commercial Property Suit Against Nationwide Property and Casualty For Breach of Contract, Fraud, and Insurance Bad Faith

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP has filed suit against Nationwide Property and Casualty (“Nationwide”) and its assigned claims adjuster for multiple violations of the Texas Insurance Code and related laws protecting consumers against fraud and other deceptive business practices.

Our client owns a wholesale distribution store and purchased insurance from Nationwide whereby the company agreed to provide coverage for the building, warehouse, inventory, and lost business income resulting from burglary.

On or about January 21, 2014, five suspects broke into the Property by smashing the glass with sledgehammers, threatened the employees with guns, and stole a substantial amount of money, inventory, and other items from the building. Plaintiff immediately filed an insurance claim for damages to the building, along with lost inventory, items and cash from the register, and more.

Nationwide responded by assigning consultants to Plaintiff’s file that were inadequate and improperly trained. These actions violated the Texas Insurance Code’s requirement to conduct an adequate investigation. Further, Nationwide utilized biased consultants that overlooked the extent of loss and grossly undervalued the damages it did accept. The insurance company also violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act and committed fraud by representing that certain damages were not covered under the Policy when in fact they were.

Given the repeated delays of payment, our client has been subjected to significant economic impact, worry, distress, and continuing economic and physical damage. In addition, this commercial business owner suffers continuing financial harm and damage as a result of the repeated delays.

If you believe you have endured improper delay or denials of a Texas commercial property insurance claim, contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP today for a free consultation.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against AFLAC

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Trial Lawyers has filed suit against AFLAC (American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus) alleging breach of contract, violation of the duty of good faith and fair dealing, violation of the Texas Insurance Code, violation of the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA), and fraud arising from the wrongful denial of disability benefits owed under an AFLAC Cancer Policy.

AFLAC’s policy required it to pay benefits if Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client was diagnosed with cancer or an associated cancerous condition after an initial 30-day waiting period.  However, when she was diagnosed with cancer, AFLAC refused to pay her claim.  AFLAC claimed that Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client was suffering from a pre-existing condition, even though no medical or other evidence supported the denial.

Unfortunately, AFLAC continued its denial even after the Plaintiff’s doctors provided medical documentation stating that the non-cancerous prior condition was in no way linked to – or a proper reason for – claiming that Doyle Dennis Avery LLP ’s Client had preexisting cancer.

The result of the denial has created an impact on the Plaintiff’s medical situation, including causing delay in surgical treatment and significant financial harm.  As a result, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is seeking unpaid medical and income benefits; emotional, financial, and physical damages caused by the delay in payment of benefits; attorneys’ fees, punitive damages, and treble damages under Texas law.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is honored to represent this client in her fight against an insurance company who has refused to pay benefits owed under a disability or cancer policy. Contact us today if you or someone you know has had their claim for cancer or disability benefits denied by AFLAC or another insurer.

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