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Maritime Injury Law: Possible Equipment Injuries

Many believe the maritime industry only applies to those working on offshore vessels. In reality, workers may fall within the protections of maritime law if they work anywhere on or around the waterways. This includes injuries caused by the various types of equipment needed to work on or with vessels. An experienced maritime injury law firm can help employees injured by these tools while on the job.


Many vessels use cranes to move and place cargo or equipment. These cranes may be part of an offshore vessel or oil rig or based on the shore. Offshore injury cases may include incidents to due improper crane maintenance, training, or operations. In addition, the proper placement and storage of cargo and equipment on the vessel is a critical safety requirement. Toppling, sliding, and falling can cause crushing and other injuries.


An essential tool for within maritime industry is the conveyor belt. It helps to unload fish and other cargo from boats at the dock. For the fishing industry, it is the most efficient way for these businesses to unload their product and move them quickly to processing areas. However, the gears and pulleys used to operate these belts are extremely dangerous.

The most common way an injury of this type occurs is when a worker’s clothing entangles in the gears and pulleys because of improper guarding or inadequate training. This negligence caused by carelessness on the part of the employer or owner is the reason maritime injury law exists. Injured parties are entitled to compensation.


The seafood industry employs plate freezers in order to rapidly cool fish taken from the ocean to keep it fresh for the trip back to the dock. These machines keep temperatures between 30 to 40 degrees below zero. Due to the subzero temperatures, workers on these ships risk developing frostbite or hypothermia.

Additional risks these employees face include injury from flying freezer plates. If a vessel sways suddenly due to oceanic conditions, one of these thirty-pound machines can easily slide and hit an unsuspecting worker, leading to cuts, concussions, bruises, and other head injuries.

Maritime injury law needs to be handled by an experienced attorney, trained in maritime law.

Thanks to spricey on flickr for the image used in this post.