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Doyle Files Insurance Bad Faith Suit on Behalf of Injured Security Guard Against Liberty Mutual

Today Doyle filed a lawsuit against Liberty Mutual Fire Insurance Company and and its adjuster for insurance code violations, insurance bad faith, and for violating the DTPA. Doyle’s client, a security guard for Smith Protective Services, had her entire claim denied because Liberty Mutual claimed that she was employed by a company that did not have workers’ compensation coverage for its employees, even though every facet of her employment was controlled by Liberty Mutual’s insured Smith Protective Services. Because of the wrongful denial, income and medical benefits were denied for over eight months. As a result, the suit was filed to recover the economic, psychological and physical damages she suffered as a result of delayed payment of benefits.

Texas Supreme Court hears oral argument in Texas Mutual v. Ruttiger

Yesterday morning the Texas Supreme Court heard oral argument in Texas Mutual Insurance Co. v. Timothy Ruttiger. In this workers compensation bad faith case, Texas Mutual requests to be immune from liability for violations of the Texas Insurance Code and seeks to avoid any accountability before a court or jury for bad faith conduct on the part of its managers, supervisors and adjusters. In doing so, the state’s largest workers’ compensation insurance company asked the Texas Supreme Court to overturn many years of precedent recognizing the important legal obligation to handle claims in good faith and to abrogate the Texas Insurance Code.

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